
Don't Be An April Fool

Today sees the start of a new month, but it is not just any 1st of the month; it is the 1st of April, making it April Fools Day. I did some research as I was interested to find out the origin of this day.

According to History.com, It is speculated that April Fools’ Day dates back to 1582 when France switched from the Julian calendar to the Gregorian calendar. In the Julian Calendar, the new year began with the spring equinox around the 1st of April. People who were slow to get the news or failed to recognise that the start of the new year had moved to the 1st of January and continued to celebrate it during the last week of March through the 1st of April became the butt of jokes and hoaxes and were called “April fools”.

When you think about yourself as an executive or business owner, are you being the April Fool? How stuck are you in your old ways? For your business to succeed, you must stay ahead of the game and become agile.

We have been living in such uncertain times for the past two years. The pandemic impacted the world, forcing world and business leaders to make some tough decisions. During and post-COVID, there have been many changes in how business has been conducted. Many teams started and continue to work remotely, which in many cases led to greater productivity and a reduction in overhead costs.

Unfortunately, some businesses failed, people lost loved ones, and the overall economy of many countries took a hard knock.

Through all of this, there were some outstanding examples of how agile leaders in business turned a bad situation into good.

Before lockdown in South Africa, personally, I had never heard of the Checkers Sixty60 app, which to this day has been a Godsend to me on many occasions.

How have you coped when you have been forced to do things differently?

What impact have these changes had on you, your teams and your business?

The world and businesses need great leaders now more than ever. So to get ahead of your game, it is a great time to make a change. Start today if you have not taken the time to find better ways of doing things, more effective ways of driving your team, more creative ways of attracting new customers, and more dynamic ways of doing business.

Great businesses need great people. Reach out, and learn more about my exciting, agile leadership development programmes and coaching.

"I believe that leadership Coaching is a process of self-understanding and can help every organisation achieve success. Reach out to me today to learn more about how to develop your leaders, Coach Sonja Shear".

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